Friday, October 6, 2023

Filipino Family Traditions

 There are ever-lasting connections that continue to run through the structure of Filipino society in a world where cultures interact and change. We set out on a trip in this blog to examine the rich tapestry of Filipino family traditions that are still practised in modern times, demonstrating how they connect the past and the present and tie families in love, respect, and harmony. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of Filipino heritage, where centuries-old customs find a home in the modern era. 

Family Gatherings

Family gatherings do not have to include everyone in your extended family. In fact, a family gathering may consist of only a few family members such as the mother, father, and their children. A family gathering is less formal than a family reunion, which is more formal and usually involves the entire extended family on one or more sides. It is quite common in Filipino family gatherings for even just eating together at one table to be considered a family gathering because it is the time when you and your family are seated at one place where you can talk about a lot of things and have more time with each other. Family gatherings promote quality time with each family member because it is the only time that all of you are together because you all have other important things to attend to on a daily basis such as school, work, and other important matters. Filipinos enjoy getting together for special events and occasions because they are primarily family-oriented, with a strong emphasis on building honesty, trust, connection, and better communication with one another. Filipinos also have a habit known as "Sunday is Family Day," in which families go out to eat or go to different places to bond every Sunday. And with the help of this tradition, family ties tend to become stronger and healthier because of the values that could develop because of this.

The Filipino values that can be seen in this tradition is close family ties, unity, and respect. Since, family reunion is a way on how the families unite and to be closed with each other. Showing respect to the elders in the family is not forgotten because that is one of the top Filipino values ​​that exist to this day. Every Filipino parents starts by teaching their children to have respect for the elders especially in their family. The family gathering is one of the ways to start training their children how they can show respect to their elder relatives start saying "po" and "opo" while they are communicating and by simply bowing their head and bringing their forehead to the elder's hand or it is also called "pagmamano" in tha Philippines. Also, Filipinos offers help for the preparation of the event or cleaning up after the joy to show their respect and gratitude. And after the gathering, one of the behavior of the  Filipinos are saying goodbye or thank you to their family members to show their appreciation and gratitude for the invitation.

Because of the time spent together, I believe family gatherings contribute in the development of strong and healthy communication between family members. Family members in the Philippines usually ask about each other's days, whether they went to school, work, or somewhere else. Family members usually talk about random things that happened to them that day, as well as family issues, which helps to build a healthy and good communication flow in the family. I believe that you must be open to build a good communication and not step on each other's thoughts and opinions in order to prevent them from slipping out with the feeling of discomfort. Communication is essential in a family or community; everyone must be aware of each other's thoughts and opinions on certain topics, and everyone must be sensitive to each other's feelings in order to avoid misinformation, which can also lead to feelings of discomfort when expressing one's feelings and emotions to others. Building good communication begins within the family and can have an impact on your relationships with others in the future, which is why it is important to understand its benefits and drawbacks. As a parent, you must be open to your children's thoughts, opinions, and feelings and must be supportive of them and vice versa, as your family is the only thing you have, which is why you must cherish each other.

"Mano Po"

In every culture, different traditions and norms are being performed by its people. Every culture has different ways of showing respect to others, especially to the elderly. Koreans, Japanese, and even Chinese people show respect towards their elders by doing the 90-degree bow. And so, here in the Philippines, we also have our unique tradition of showing our love and respect towards our elders.

Pagmamano is a common hand gesture in the Philippines that is done by young people to honor the elders or as a sign of respect. The gesture is done by gently pressing the right hand of the elder person to the young person’s forehead. Normally, when entering an older relative's home or upon meeting them, the younger person should request the right hand of the elder person and perform the "pagmamano" as an honored gesture.

This custom or tradition is said to have started when the Philippines was occupied by Spanish colonization. Therefore, the natives learned to kiss the hands of the Catholic priests as a sign of respect as they converted to Christianity. It was practiced and adopted by Filipino ancestors over time and has since developed into a custom or tradition as a way to show respect for parents and elders. The blessings of the parents are always sought after in the Filipino culture because it is thought that they will bring success and protection. 

Due to us being known as family-oriented, this tradition is still strictly followed by many Filipino families despite being a very old custom. And through this simple gesture or act, we are able to completely show our love and respect for the elders as we honor their existence. 




"Pasalubong" is a special tradition in the Philippines. It means bringing back gifts or souvenirs after a trip. It's a way to share experiences and show you care about your loved ones. These gifts can be local treats, handicrafts, clothes, or items that remind you of the place you visited. Giving pasalubong is a gesture that shows love and thoughtfulness. It makes family bonds grow stronger. Which is why it’s very important in Filipino culture, as we are known to be family-oriented.

In the popular Filipino custom known as pasalubong, travelers bring home gifts or mementos for their loved ones. It exemplifies virtues like kindness, consideration, and the value of ties to one's family. It stands for exchanging knowledge, expressing affection and gratitude, and building enduring bonds within the neighborhood.

It creates a sense of unity between lovers regardless of distance, a way of sharing their travel experiences and stories Essentially, pasalubong is a meaningful practice that reflects the values ​​of it is about caring, kindness and family bonds. This act of thoughtfulness shows one's care for loved ones, strengthening the importance of family connections. It's also a way to share experiences and show affection through material things, strengthening the bonds of relationships."pasalubong" is more than just gifts, as it's a symbol of the values of Filipino culture showing thoughtfulness and care to our loved ones.

Giving pasalubong reflects thoughtfulness, indicating that you kept your loved ones in mind during your absence and wanted to share a part of your experience with them. Additionally, it can convey gratitude, serving as a gesture of thanks for the kindness shown during your visit. Finally, it embodies generosity, signifying the kind act of sharing something meaningful.

Filipino Family Traditions

 There are ever-lasting connections that continue to run through the structure of Filipino society in a world where cultures interact and ch...